z Solutions-Beble


Services (APIs) to the automation system

Technological integration to carry out validations, connected with an endpoint (APIs) to our clients' systems, which allows the authentication of documents and identity verification, sent digitally by the applicant.

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Tested application, agile integration

Message check

Costs reduction and response times

User badge

Extended capabilities and support

  • Digital collection of documents proving identity, addresses, income, etc.
  • Facial recognition, on photo or video, with biometric algorithms that determine the percentage of similarity.
  • Validation of authenticity through security seals, extraction by OCR of information, online verification between INE and RENAPO.
  • Location of the address through geolocation and validation of its existence.
  • Validation that the person who is doing the process is real.
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File find image
  • Validation of the result of the consultation in the lists Article 69 and Article 69 B of the Fiscal Code of the Federation (Black Lists)
  • OFAC consulting
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Validation of the existence of the Electronic Proof of Payment (CEP) and delivery of the result issued by BANXICO

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Ocular verification of the content of the images to determine the congruence with the submitted evidence

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Use of electronic signatues complying, among others, with the following laws and regulations:

  • Ley de Firma Electrónica Avanzada ("LFEA")
  • Código de Comercio ("CC")
  • Código Civil Federal ("CCF")
  • Ley de Instituciones de Crédito ("LIC")
  • Ley Federal de Protección al Consumidor ("LFPC")
  • Ley Federal de Trabajo ("LFT")
  • Código Federal de Procedimientos Civiles ("CFPC")
  • Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-151-SCFI-2016 ("NOM-151")
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RFC calculator